Devin AI has taken the tech world by storm, promising to be the "world's first AI software engineer." This groundbreaking tool from Cognition boasts an impressive array of capabilities, such as the ability to code, build websites, and tackle various software development tasks – all at your command!

But is Devin the revolutionary sidekick for programmers or just clever marketing hype rather than groundbreaking tech? In this article, we'll delve into Devin's advertised features, analyze the results of real-world testing, and explore its potential impact on the software development field. We'll also provide insights on navigating the world of AI in software development. So stay tuned till the end.

Disclaimer: All the things we described in this article are our views on Devin AI that we discovered through our research process from various sources. We encourage readers to do research from their end before getting to any conclusions.

What is Devin AI? 

what is Devin Ai

Image source: Cognition Labs

Devin is an AI assistant for coders who can code, build websites, and develop software – all at your command! It is a groundbreaking tool from Cognition that helps software engineers reduce their workload, simplifying the coding process and being their coding assistant.

Here's What Devin was displayed Can Do:

  • Code Master: Devin can write code based on your instructions, saving you time on repetitive tasks.

  • Website Creation: Devin can create your website designs and handle the technical aspects, freeing you to focus on design.

  • Software Buddy: From fixing bugs to creating applications, Devin tackles various software development tasks.

  • Future-Proofed: Devin keeps learning and adapting, staying up-to-date with the latest technologies.

Devin's impressive features:

  • Thinks Ahead: Devin plans complex tasks, anticipating challenges before they arise.

  • Learns from Mistakes: Every task Devin completes helps it improve and become even more efficient.

  • Real-World Ready: Devin has tackled real-world jobs, proving its effectiveness in practical situations.

  • Team Player: Devin collaborates with human engineers, taking feedback and working seamlessly.

Was Devin AI a Groundbreaking Innovation or a Carefully crafted marketing Ploy?

Is devin ai fake

Image Source: Cognition Labs

Well, a quick note: our findings are mostly based on the video done by the Internet of Bugs. They were able to uncover the hidden truths about Devin AI. 

If you want a full breakdown, check out their channel. 

But here is a quick summary from our side for you about Devin, the "software job killer".

A recent video showcasing Devin performing an upwork job, an AI program touted as the "world's first AI software engineer," sparked debate about taking over the software jobs. But a closer look reveals a different story.

Key Misleadings Found from the Devin Video:

  • Misleading Claims: The video promised to show Devin completing an Upwork task and getting paid. However, the analysis reveals the AI didn't perform the task the client required.

  • Limited capabilities: Devin struggles with basic tasks like interpreting client requirements and adapting to specific situations.

  • Inaccurate Time Investment: The video exposes a significant difference between the claimed completion time for Devin and the actual time it took the tool to "solve" the Upwork task.

  • AI-generated errors: Devin's work process introduces additional errors from its code and presents them as if it is providing the program code. However, in reality, it is merely resolving the errors it created itself

  • Overhyped Results: Devin's accomplishments were misrepresented. While some basic functionality was achieved, it fell short of the job description and took significantly longer than a human developer.

Was Devin fake all this time?? 


Image Source: Cognition Labs

No, not really. 

Even though many features of Devin are skeptical and quite misleading, it did an impressive job of solving the Upwork task to some extent. 

Although it seems like it is not the right solution for the Upwork job, it performed fairly better than other model tools with the input provided in the video. 

However, it should be noted that it didn't finish the job, but it performed significantly better than the AI tools we already have.

Also, in the Upwork job video, Devin appears to have updated a requirements.txt file in a code repository. 

The requirements.txt file specifies the versions of dependent libraries required for the code to run. 

Due to changes in availability, some of the libraries originally used in the repository were no longer downloadable.

Devin took the initiative to update the requirements.txt file, aligning the dependencies with available versions, thus ensuring the code's functionality. 

While this action may be considered more of a configuration update rather than a direct code change, it demonstrates Devin's ability to automate tasks and save time for developers

By handling this aspect of the project, Devin helped streamline the development process and prevent potential issues caused by outdated dependencies.

So, yeah, Devin AI can still be used as a handyman for your coding, but Devin taking your jobs is not true. 

Also, many features of Devin are still skeptical.

Will AI Ever Replace Software Engineers?

No, at least not with the current state of AI technology, we are far from AI replacing humans

At present, AI is still in its early stages. 

While it can automate testing and provide code suggestions, it hasn't reached the level where it can match the creativity and problem-solving skills of human developers.

However, even if AI becomes as efficient as humans in the coming years, it still lacks certain key elements. 

These reasons may seem cliché, but they are what differentiates us from robots.

  • Thinking Outside the Box: First is creativity, AI is great at following instructions, but it struggles with creative problem-solving. Software engineers need to dream up new solutions and adapt to changing needs, which AI can't do on its own.

  • Understanding the Why: AI can write code, but it doesn't understand the "why" behind it. Software engineers need to consider the bigger picture – what the software is for and how it will be used. This human touch is crucial.

  • Talking it Through: Building software is a team effort. Engineers discuss ideas, explain concepts, and work with clients. AI can't replace that human interaction just yet.

Instead of being replaced, AI will likely become a valuable tool for software engineers. 

It can automate repetitive tasks, freeing them up to focus on the creative and strategic aspects of the job. So, the future of software engineering is more like a team-up between humans and AI, not a robot takeover!


While Devin AI claims impressive features like code generation and future-proofing, it appears that they are mostly misleading. The capabilities showcased in an Upwork task video, for instance, were found to be deceptive. However, Devin did demonstrate a valuable ability to automate tasks by updating dependencies in a code repository and also performed reasonably well compared to other AI tools with the given inputs.

Ultimately, Devin is unlikely to replace software engineers shortly. Its true strength lies in its potential as a collaborator, assisting developers with repetitive tasks and freeing them to focus on creative problem-solving and strategic aspects of the job. We believe that the future of software development seems to be one of human-AI collaboration, not a robot takeover.


1. Is it still worth learning computer languages?

Yes, learning computer languages is still worthwhile, although several AI tools may seem like they could replace you. We believe that they are far from replacing software engineers; rather, they can be helpful assistants in completing and aiding certain aspects of your coding.

2. How can we avoid AI scams in the future?

To avoid AI scams, we need to be sceptical of everything and strive to solve issues and conduct our research. It's important not to believe everything others say or what headlines claim on the internet. People should be extremely sceptical about every new AI development and conduct their research.

3. Can AI replace humans?

No, AI won't replace humans, at least not with the current AI technology. AI still has a long way to go before it can replace humans and take over the world. So, we don't have to worry about being replaced anytime soon