Are you feeling lost in the world of AI chatbots? With so many options out there, it's hard to know which one to choose. 

Should you go for ChatGPT, the popular all-rounder, or Claude, the ethical coder's friend? Making the wrong choice could mean wasting time and money on a tool that doesn't fit your needs.

Imagine struggling with complex coding tasks or trying to write a long report, only to find your AI assistant can't keep up. 

Or picture yourself wanting to create images or use voice commands, but your AI doesn't have those features. It's frustrating and can really slow down your work or creative process.

Don't worry! We've done the hard work for you. We've compared Claude and ChatGPT in detail, looking at their strengths, weaknesses, and special features. Whether you're a casual user, a serious writer, or a coder, we'll help you figure out which AI is best for you.
So let's get into it.

Claude vs ChatGPT at a Glance 






Anthropic AI

Model Base

GPT-3, GPT-4, GPT-4o, GPT-4 Mini 

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Claude 3 Opus, Claude Haiku 

Multimodal Capabilities

Yes (text, images, voice, web browsing)

No (text only)

Internet access 



Context Window

Up to 128,000 tokens

Up to 200,000 tokens ( can go up to 1,000,000 tokens ) 

Unique Features

Custom GPTs, image generation, voice interaction, web browsing

Artifacts, Projects


Wide range of applications, including coding, content generation, image generation etc 

Ethical AI focus, extensive text analysis

Performance Benchmarks

High scores in MMLU, MATH, and HumanEval

Strong in MMLU and coding tasks

User Interface

Widely preferred for ease of use

Functional but less preferred

Speed and Efficiency

Can repeat information

Generally faster and concise

Data Privacy

Opt-out options for data collection

Ethical guidelines for data usage

API Integration

Extensive API options

Available with Pro and Team plans

Voice Interaction






What is Claude?

What is Claude?

Claude AI is an advanced artificial intelligence chatbot developed by Anthropic AI. Named after the Large Language Models (LLMs) that power it, Claude AI is designed to have natural conversations with users. It can perform a variety of tasks, such as summarizing text, answering questions, editing content, making decisions, and even writing code.

The People Behind Anthropic AI

Anthropic AI, the company behind Claude, was founded by former OpenAI members, including the Amodei siblings, Dario and Daniela. They were key figures in developing OpenAI's GPT-3 model. After leaving OpenAI due to concerns about AI safety, they started Anthropic in 2021. Unlike some other AI companies, Anthropic focuses heavily on ethical AI development. This approach has attracted significant investments from big tech companies like Google and Amazon.

What Makes Claude AI Different?

One of the unique aspects of Claude AI is its focus on safety and ethics. While OpenAI's models, like GPT-4, have been trained based on human preferences, Claude AI follows a different path. Anthropic has developed something called "constitutional AI," where the AI is trained to adhere to a set of ethical guidelines. These guidelines emphasize principles like freedom, respect for privacy, and opposition to inhumane treatment. This makes Claude AI a safer and more responsible choice for many users.

Claude Capabilities 

Claude Capabilities

Claude AI, developed by Anthropic AI, offers a range of advanced technical capabilities. It can process and understand large amounts of text—up to 75,000 words in a single session—making it ideal for tasks like summarizing lengthy documents, answering complex questions, and providing detailed analyses. Claude excels in various areas, including natural language processing, multilingual math problem-solving, and code generation. It can handle diverse subjects, from graduate-level reasoning to grade school math.

Claude comes in several models, each tailored to specific needs. Claude 3 Opus is the most advanced, offering top-tier performance for professional and team use. Claude 3 Sonnet and Claude 3 Haiku provide more budget-friendly options with slightly different features. All models support up to a 200,000-token context window, allowing for extensive data input and output, which is useful for detailed and complex queries.

In terms of technical performance, Claude AI models demonstrate high accuracy across various benchmarks. For instance, Claude 3.5 Sonnet achieves top scores in coding tasks and multilingual math, making it a strong choice for technical and academic applications. The models also support API integration, enabling developers to incorporate Claude's capabilities into their applications seamlessly. While Claude does not offer image generation or voice interaction, it can analyze user-uploaded documents and images for text-based tasks.

Claude Performance 

Claude Performance

Following Claude's capabilities, let's explore its performance. Claude has demonstrated strong results across various benchmarks, showcasing its effectiveness in different areas. In head-to-head comparisons, Claude models consistently outperform many free alternatives, including GPT-3.5, across multiple metrics.

Claude's Elo ratings, which measure model performance based on user feedback, show it holding its own against competitors. For instance, Claude 1 and Claude 2 have solid ratings, reflecting their reliable performance in generating quality responses. Claude models also score well on the MT-Bench, a benchmark using multi-turn question-answer sessions to assess conversational quality, indicating that Claude can handle complex interactions smoothly.

One standout area for Claude is its Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) performance, where it covers a wide range of topics with depth. This is particularly valuable for users needing comprehensive answers across different subjects. The high scores in MMLU demonstrate Claude's robust knowledge base, making it a versatile tool for both general and specialized queries.

However, despite its strengths, Claude lacks some of the advanced features found in other models LLM Models. For instance, Claude does not support voice interaction, image creation, or web browsing, which can limit its utility in certain contexts. Nonetheless, Claude excels in tasks like reading, analyzing, and summarizing long documents, thanks to its large context window, making it a valuable tool for users needing detailed text analysis.

Claude Special Features 

Claude has some unique features that set it apart from other AI tools. Two notable ones are Artifacts and Projects.

Artifacts are a new way for users to work with large or complex content. When using Artifacts, you can see documents, websites, or code in a separate window next to the chat. This makes it easier to view and edit the content while talking to Claude. For example, if you’re a developer, you can see your code and preview changes in real time. It can be used to create a game and also create different types of mind maps of the given content, etc. Artifacts are available for free to all users.

Projects are designed for team use. They let multiple people work together in one place, with shared chat history and information. To use Projects, you need a paid plan like Claude Pro or Team. Teams can upload important documents, like company guides or codebases, and set special instructions for Claude. This helps Claude give more accurate and useful responses based on the team's needs.

Claude Pricing 

Claude Pricing

What is Chatgpt? 

What is Chatgpt?

ChatGPT doesn't need much introduction, as it has revolutionized the AI field. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a powerful AI chatbot built on large language models. It became widely known for its ability to hold natural conversations, answer questions, and generate human-like text. This has made it useful for a wide range of applications, from customer support to creative writing.

ChatGPT is based on the GPT-3, GPT-4 and the new GPT-4o families, which are among the most advanced AI models available. It can understand and respond in multiple languages, making it versatile for global use. The chatbot is not just about chatting; it can also create images, understand and analyze data, and even browse the internet in some versions.

One of the reasons ChatGPT stands out is its multimodal capabilities. This means it can handle text, images, and even voice interactions in certain versions. It's widely used in many industries and has a large base of users. Whether for work or entertainment, ChatGPT offers a wide range of functionalities.

ChatGPT Capabilities

ChatGPT Capabilities

Image Credit: Exploding Topics

ChatGPT is a powerful AI language model that excels in understanding and generating human-like text. One of its key strengths is its ability to accurately classify sentences based on their topics, with GPT-4o leading the way at 99% accuracy, closely followed by other models like Palm 2 Unicorn and Gemini 1.5.

Key Features:

  • Sentence Classification: ChatGPT-4o demonstrates exceptional performance in classifying sentences by topic, making it a top choice for content categorization.

  • Multimodal Capabilities: GPT-4 and GPT-4o can generate images from text and support voice interactions, adding a dynamic element to user interactions.

  • Web Browsing: These models can access and search the web to provide up-to-date information, enhancing the accuracy and relevance of responses.

  • Privacy Options: OpenAI allows users to opt out of data collection for training, giving more control over personal information.

  • Safety Measures: Both ChatGPT and Claude models include safety protocols to prevent inappropriate responses, ensuring responsible usage.

ChatGPT Performance 

ChatGPT Performance

There are several versions of ChatGPT, including GPT-4o, GPT-4, and GPT-4o mini, each with unique features and capabilities. Let's explore the performance and features of these models in simple terms.

Different Versions of ChatGPT


  • This is the latest version, released in May 2024.

  • It's a multimodal model, which means it can handle text, images, and audio.

  • It can create images, analyze files, and browse the internet.

  • Users can build custom assistants, called GPTs, using this model.

  • It has a knowledge cutoff date of October 2023, meaning it knows about events and information up to that time.


  • This version was the most advanced before GPT-4o came out.

  • It can generate images and browse the internet.

  • Unlike GPT-4o, GPT-4 can also interact using voice, making it unique for voice-based tasks.

  • Its knowledge cutoff date is December 2023.

GPT-4o mini:

  • The most recent addition, replacing the older GPT-3.5 model.

  • It's designed to be fast and cost-efficient.

  • However, it doesn't support multimodal capabilities or internet browsing like the other two models.

  • Its knowledge cutoff date is also October 2023.

Comparing Performance

The performance of these models can be assessed using benchmarks that test various tasks. Here are some key benchmarks and scores:

MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding):

  • GPT-4o scores around 88.7%, showing strong understanding across multiple tasks.

  • GPT-4 scores are slightly lower at 86.1%.


  • GPT-4o scores 76.6%, indicating good mathematical reasoning capabilities.

  • GPT-4 scores are at 72.6%, also quite strong.


  • GPT-4o excels with a score of 90.2%, showing high proficiency in coding and programming tasks.

  • GPT-4 scores a respectable 84.9%.

MGSM (Multi-genre Sentence Matching):

  • Both GPT-4o and GPT-4 have high scores, around 90.5% and 90.7%, respectively, demonstrating excellent text comprehension.

ChatGPT Special Featuress 

ChatGPT offers some special features that make it stand out among AI chatbots. One of the main features is multimodality. This means users can interact with the model in different ways, such as generating images or speaking directly with the chatbot using voice. ChatGPT, especially with the GPT-4 and GPT-4o models, can also search the web to provide more accurate answers.

Another special feature of ChatGPT is Custom GPTs. This allows users to create their own versions of the chatbot for specific tasks. For example, a user can make a GPT that specializes in summarizing financial documents or explaining biology concepts. OpenAI offers a marketplace where users can find these custom GPTs, some created by OpenAI developers and others by users. This feature was initially only for paid subscribers but is now available for free users with the GPT-4o model.

While ChatGPT has these advanced features, it is important to note that not all GPTs are perfect. Some may guide users to a company’s website or software, and others may be designed to bypass AI detection tools. However, these features provide a lot of flexibility and customization for users.

ChatGPT Pricing 

ChatGPT Pricing

Claude vs ChatGPT: Which is the Best?

To know the actual capabilities of both ChatGPT and Claude, we did some tests on both of the AI technologies. So we can know the actual performances of both LLM models rather than trusting the theoretical values of each model, and here is what we found.

Test 1: Coding 

I am not a coder and do not even know much of the basics of computer languages. But everyone wants to play and create games, and that is exactly what I did with these LLM models. I asked them to create a chess game following all the rules on both ChatGPT and Claude. 

I asked Claude to create a chess game that I can actually play. In its artifacts feature, at first, it was able to create, but it didn't follow any chess rules. When I tweaked the prompt to make it follow chess rules, it displayed that it can only write programs, not run them. However, when I tested it, it worked fine on a compiler. But ChatGPT straight away gave a no answer. Here are the results. 


Claude vs ChatGPT


Claude vs ChatGPT

 Test 2: Reasoning

For the second test, I asked both the LLM models some riddle questions. And both of them gave the right answers to the riddles. So both the LLM models are equally powerful when it comes to reasoning.

Claude vs ChatGPT


Claude vs ChatGPT

Test 3: Image Processing 

Claude vs ChatGPT

I gave the following image to ChatGPT and Claude and prompted them to analyze the images. Both of the LLM models did a great job, but compared to Claude, ChatGPT was able to analyze the photos better and even provide detailed descriptions of the photos in the film reel. Whereas Claude gave a typical description of the images, which is good but comparatively ChatGPT is better.


Claude vs ChatGPT


Claude vs ChatGPT

Here are some other tests that are conducted by Zapier under different circumstances. You can go through them to know more about each LLM model's capabilities in different environments and tasks.


ChatGPT vs Claude 


Text Generation


Natural, engaging writing style; strong editing capabilities.

Emotional Intelligence


Similar level of empathy and understanding; less human-like compared to earlier models.

Data Processing


Exceptional ability to handle large datasets and extract meaningful insights.

Integration Features


Broader range of capabilities including image generation, internet access, and third-party integrations. 

Redditors' Opinion on Claude vs ChatGPT

Claude vs ChatGPT

We can almost find the answer to anything on Reddit thanks to all the knowledgeable Redditors in the community. So we searched through Reddit and found a recent Reddit discussion on Claude vs ChatGPT, and we searched through it to find different Redditors' opinions on ChatGPT and Claude. Here is what we found.

Many users think both Claude and ChatGPT are good, but they have different strengths.

Coding: Several users feel Claude is better for coding tasks. User dreternal thinks Claude is "far better at coding" but dislikes its message limits. User TheAuthorBTLG_ says Claude can handle large code files easily. User lanemik states Claude is "better than 4 for coding, and waaaaay better than 4o for coding."

Claude vs ChatGPT

Speed and Efficiency: TheAuthorBTLG_ says Claude is twice as fast because it doesn't repeat itself. User Ok-Actuary7793 switched to Claude because they got frustrated with GPT-4 restating things unnecessarily.

Claude vs ChatGPT

Context and Memory: Bot_exe points out Claude has a larger context window (200k tokens) compared to ChatGPT's more limited context. This allows Claude to work on bigger projects without forgetting details.

Claude vs ChatGPT

Image Recognition: User jib_reddit found ChatGPT better at plant identification in images, though Claude described more background details.

Claude vs ChatGPT

User Interface: Crystar800 prefers ChatGPT's user interface over Claude's.

Claude vs ChatGPT

Additional Features: Some users like xRhai use "Claude for coding and ChatGPT for everything else." ChatGPT has extra features like voice interaction and image generation that Claude lacks.

Claude vs ChatGPT

Cost and Limits: Several users mention Claude's stricter usage limits as a downside. Jayfreedom subscribes to both services and switches between them based on the task.

Overall, many Redditors use both AIs, playing them off each other for different tasks. The choice often depends on specific needs and personal preferences.

Claude vs ChatGPT: What to Choose? 

Choosing between Claude and ChatGPT depends on what you need. Let's break it down in simple terms:

Best For Everyday Users

If you're a regular person using AI for everyday tasks, ChatGPT might be a better fit. Here's why:

  • Custom GPTs: You can make your own special chatbots for specific tasks.

  • Plugins: ChatGPT works with lots of other tools and websites.

  • Internet Access: It can look things up online to give you fresh info.

  • Voice and Images: You can talk to it and even make pictures with some versions.

These features make ChatGPT really handy for all sorts of everyday jobs.

Best For Writers and Coders

If you're a serious writer or coder, Claude might be the better choice. Here's why:

  • Large Context Window: Claude can handle very long pieces of text (up to 200,000 tokens).

  • Coding Skills: Many users say Claude is better at coding tasks.

  • Focus on Ethics: Claude is designed to be more careful about ethical issues.

  • Less Repetition: Claude tends to give more concise answers without repeating itself.

These features make Claude great for big writing projects or complex coding tasks.

Other Things to Think About

  • Speed: Claude is often faster because it doesn't repeat information.

  • User Interface: Some people find ChatGPT easier to use.

  • Cost: Both have free and paid versions. Claude might have stricter limits on free use.

  • Special Features: ChatGPT can do things like voice chat and make images, which Claude can't.

What's the Best Choice?

The best choice really depends on what you need:

  1. For everyday stuff: ChatGPT is probably better. It's more user-friendly and has lots of cool features.

  2. For big writing or coding projects: Claude might be better. It can handle more text and is good at coding.

  3. For both: Many people actually use both! They switch between Claude and ChatGPT depending on what they're doing.

Remember, both AIs are always improving. What's best today may change tomorrow. The best approach is to try both and determine which one suits your tasks better. We suggest using both ChatGPT and Claude based on your tasks.


1. Who owns Claude AI?

Claude AI is developed by Anthropic AI, a company founded by former OpenAI members, including the Amodei siblings, Dario and Daniela. The company focuses on ethical AI development and has received significant investments from major tech firms like Google and Amazon.

2. Is Claude AI better than GPT-4?

Claude AI and GPT-4 have different strengths. Claude is known for ethical AI and handling long text inputs, making it ideal for detailed analysis and coding. GPT-4, however, offers multimodal features like image and voice generation, suitable for a broader range of applications.

3. Is Claude AI free?

Claude AI offers both free and paid versions. The free version provides basic functionalities, while the paid plans, such as Claude Pro or Team, offer additional features like extended context windows and collaborative Projects. Pricing and limits may vary.