Choosing the right AI assistant can be overwhelming. 

With so many options available, how do you know which one will best suit your needs? 

The wrong choice could lead to frustration, wasted time, and missed opportunities.

Imagine struggling with complex coding problems, battling writer's block, or getting stuck on tricky math equations. What if your AI assistant couldn't keep up or provide the clarity you need? The consequences could be devastating for your projects and productivity.

That’s where Claude 3.5 Sonnet and GPT-4o come in, two advanced AI models that can revolutionize how we work and learn. 

But what to choose between these two? Let’s find out

Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o At a Glance



Claude 3.5 Sonnet




Multimodal Capabilities

Text, Image, Audio

Text, Visual (charts, graphs, etc.)

Special Features

- Rapid audio response (320ms)

- AI-generated human-like voice

- Artifacts feature (interactive visuals)

- Computer vision for image analysis

Performance Benchmarks

- High in MMLU (88.7%)

- Top in MATH (76.6%)

- Top in HumanEval (90.2%)

- Strong in ANLS (89.5%)

- Good in AI2D (88.7%)

- Solid in MathVista (50.5%)

Coding Abilities

Excellent in standardized coding tests

Practical and functional code output

Language Skills

50+ languages, real-time translation

-Multilingual, nuanced understanding

Response Speed

Fast (approx. 320ms)

Fast and Consistent

User Interface

- Human-like voice interactions

- Seamless integration of inputs

- Clean and intuitive

Document Handling

Up to 128k tokens (approx. 96,000 words)

Up to 200k tokens (approx. 150,000 words)

User Feedback

Superior for analysis and summaries

Preferred for in-depth writing and coding

Community Opinion

Good for long chats, limited image uploads

Preferred for writing and coding tasks, good handling of feedback

Overall Strengths

Multimodal integration, quick responses

User-friendly, consistent memory

Areas of Excellence

Mathematical reasoning, voice interactions

Writing, academic work, coding


$20/month for ChatGPT- 4o

$20/month for Claude 3.5 Sonnet 

What is Claude 3.5 Sonnet?

Claude 3.5 sonnet

Claude 3.5 Sonnet is an advanced language model developed by Anthropic, part of the Claude 3 AI family. 

It's a large language model (LLM) that excels in natural language processing (NLP) tasks, including text generation, question-answering, and problem-solving.

A key innovation in Sonnet is the Artifacts feature, which enables the model to generate and manipulate visual content like charts, graphs, and interactive HTML/JavaScript components directly within the conversation interface. This functionality leverages React and other web technologies.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet has several advanced capabilities in areas such as mathematical computation, code generation, and creative writing compared to previous iterations. 

It also incorporates computer vision capabilities, allowing it to analyse and describe image inputs.

How Claude 3.5 Sonnet Works? 

How Claude 3.5 Sonnet Works?

Claude 3.5 Sonnet is a type of AI called a large language model (LLM). It uses a special computer design called a transformer. 

Here are some key points about its structure:

  • It likely has hundreds of billions of parameters (the numbers it uses to process information).

  • It was trained on a huge amount of text and code from the internet.

It uses special learning methods like: 

  • Few-shot learning: It can learn new tasks from just a few examples. 

  • In-context learning: It can understand and use new information given during a conversation. 

  • Reinforcement learning: It may have been trained to improve based on human feedback.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet Capabilities and Performance 

Claude 3.5 sonnet

Claude 3.5 Sonnet is a very smart AI that can do many different tasks. Let's look at its main abilities:

1. Language Skills

Claude 3.5 Sonnet is really good with words and languages. It can talk to you in many languages, not just English. 

Here's what it can do with language:

  • Understand and write in many different languages

  • Tell if a piece of writing is happy, sad, or angry

  • Find important bits of information in text, like people's names or places

2. Thinking and Problem-Solving

Claude 3.5 Sonnet is a great thinker. It can help solve tricky problems and think about complex ideas. It's as smart as a very good student at a top university.

Some of its thinking skills are:

  • Think about difficult ideas, like a graduate student would

  • Take big, complicated problems and break them into smaller, easier parts

  • Understand how one thing can cause another thing to happen

3. Coding Skills

If you like computers and coding, Claude 3.5 Sonnet can help with that too. It knows a lot about writing computer programs.

Its coding abilities include:

  • Writing code in different programming languages

  • Finding mistakes in code and fixing them

  • Explaining what a piece of code does, like a good teacher

All these skills make Claude 3.5 Sonnet a very powerful and helpful AI. It can assist with many different tasks, from writing and math to understanding images and creating computer programs.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet Performance Benchmarks

Claude 3.5 sonnet

Claude models generally performed well across various categories, often scoring among the top performers.

Specific Categories:

MMMU (Measures math and reasoning abilities):

  • Claude 3.5 Sonnet achieved 68.3% on this metric
  • Claude 3 Opus scored 59.4%
  • GPT-4o scored 69.1%
  • Gemini 1.5 Pro scored 62.2%
  • This suggests strong mathematical and reasoning capabilities across Claude models

ANLS (Evaluates document visual question answering):

  • Claude 3.5 Sonnet exhibited a top score of 95.2%
  • Claude 3 Opus scored 89.3%
  • GPT-4o scored 92.8%
  • Gemini 1.5 Pro scored 93.1%
  • Claude 3 Sonnet slightly outperformed the others at 89.5%

This indicates strong visual comprehension and question-answering abilities

MathVista (Tests mathematical problem-solving with visual inputs):

  • Claude 3.5 Sonnet scored 67.7% on this task
  • Claude 3 Opus scored 50.5%
  • GPT-4o scored 63.8%
  • Gemini 1.5 Pro scored 63.9%
  • This shows good mathematical reasoning, especially with visual context

AI2D (Assesses understanding of science diagrams):

  • Claude 3.5 Sonnet achieved 68.3% on this metric
  • Claude 3 Opus scored 88.1%
  • GPT-4o scored 94.2%
  • Gemini 1.5 Pro scored 94.4%

This demonstrates strong capabilities in interpreting scientific visual information

Chart Q&A (Measures ability to answer questions about charts):

  • Claude 3.5 Sonnet scored an impressive 90.8%
  • Claude 3 Opus scored 80.8%
  • Gemini 1.5 Pro scored 87.2%
  • GPT-4o scored 85.7%
  • This indicates excellent chart comprehension and analysis skills

Claude's models demonstrated strong performance across various tasks, particularly excelling in visual comprehension, scientific diagram interpretation, and chart analysis. 

Claude consistently scored well, often outperforming or matching other leading AI models in several categories. The use of chain-of-thought reasoning in mathematical and chart-related tasks suggests sophisticated problem-solving approaches.

Claude Pricing 

Claude Pricing

What is GPT 4o?

What is GPT 4o?

ChatGPT-4o is OpenAI's advanced large language model, where 'o' stands for Omni, reflecting its multimodal capabilities. This model builds upon the GPT-4 architecture, utilizing a Generative Pre-trained Transformer neural network. ChatGPT-4o integrates text, vision, and audio modalities into a single model, enabling seamless processing and generation across these formats.

Key technical features include:

  • Rapid audio response (avg. 320ms)

  • AI-generated human-like voice output

  • Enhanced reasoning and problem-solving abilities

  • Improved coding capabilities

There is also ChatGPT-4o Mini released by OpenAI recently. 

It is a smaller variant that offers faster processing and lower costs while outperforming GPT-3.5 Turbo. It's trained on data up to October 2023 and is available in text and vision models.

Developers can access ChatGPT-4o through various APIs (Assistants, Chat Completions, Batch), while users can interact with it via ChatGPT's Free, Plus, and Team tiers. 

This multimodal approach allows for more natural, intuitive human-AI interactions across diverse applications.

How GPT- 4o Works? 

How GPT- 4o Works?

GPT-4o is an advanced AI model called a large language model (LLM). It uses a special computer design called a transformer architecture.

Here are some key points about its structure and functioning:

  • It likely has hundreds of billions of parameters (the numbers it uses to process information).

  • It was trained on a massive dataset including text, images, and audio from the internet.

It uses special techniques like:

  • Unsupervised learning: It was trained on unlabeled data to develop its own understanding of patterns and relationships.

  • Multimodal processing: It can understand and process text, images, and audio inputs within the same model.

  • Tokenization: It breaks down inputs into small units called tokens for processing.

  • Self-attention: It can focus on the most relevant parts of input, regardless of their position.

Key technical points:

  • It uses a deep learning neural network modeled after the human brain.

  • The transformer architecture allows for parallel processing, making training faster and more efficient.

  • It works with vectors (numbers with position and direction) to represent relationships between concepts.

  • It uses a process called "self-attention" to compare each part of the input to all others.

  • It likely employs reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) for fine-tuning and safety.

  • It generates responses by predicting the most likely sequence of tokens based on the input and its training.

  • It incorporates some randomness (controlled by "temperature") to produce varied outputs.

GPT-4o builds on previous models by integrating multiple input types (text, audio, images) into a single AI system, allowing for more versatile and comprehensive understanding and generation capabilities.

GPT 4o Capabilities and Performance 

GPT 4o Capabilities and Performance

GPT-4o is a very smart AI made by OpenAI. It can do many amazing things. Let's look at three of its special abilities:

1. Multimodal Skills GPT-4o is special because it can understand and create different types of information all at once. It works with text, pictures, and sound together.

Here's what it can do with multiple types of information:

  • Understand pictures, text, and sound at the same time

  • Answer questions about a picture while listening to someone talk

  • Create new pictures or sounds based on written instructions

  • Explain what's happening in a video by both watching and listening to it

2. Real-Time Talking GPT-4o can talk to you just like a real person. It's very fast and doesn't make you wait for answers.

Its talking abilities include:

  • Answering your questions as fast as a human (about 320 milliseconds)

  • Understanding what you say and responding right away

  • Talking back to you with a voice that sounds very human-like

  • Changing its tone of voice to match different emotions

3. Advanced Language Skills GPT-4o is extremely good with languages. It can work with over 50 different languages in amazing ways.

Some of its language skills are:

  • Translating between languages in real-time, like a super-fast interpreter

  • Understanding the feelings behind words in many languages

  • Switching between languages in the middle of a conversation

  • Writing in different styles, from simple notes to complex essays, in many languages

All these skills make GPT-4o a very powerful and helpful AI. It can assist with many different tasks, from having natural conversations to working with different types of information at once.

GPT- 4o Performance Benchmarks

GPT- 4o Performance Benchmarks

GPT-4o generally performed very well across most categories, often scoring among the highest.

Specific Categories:

MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding):

  • GPT-4o scored 88.7%, the highest of all models

  • This suggests it has excellent general knowledge and reasoning abilities

GPQA (Ability to answer complex, multi-step questions):

  • GPT-4o scored 53.6%, the second-highest after Claude3 Opus

  • This indicates strong performance in question-answering tasks

MATH (Tests mathematical problem-solving skills):

  • GPT-4o achieved 76.6%, the highest score

  • This shows it excels at mathematical problem-solving

HumanEval(Assesses coding ability and program generation):

  • GPT-4o got 90.2%, again the highest score

  • This suggests superior coding and programming abilities

MGSM(Evaluates grade school math word problem solving):

  • GPT-4o scored 90.5%, once more the top performer

  • This indicates excellent mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills

DROP(Measures reading comprehension and numerical reasoning):

  • GPT-4o achieved 84.4%, the second-highest score after GPT-4T

  • This shows strong reading comprehension and numerical reasoning abilities

GPT-4o demonstrated impressive capabilities across various tasks, consistently ranking at or near the top in most categories. It particularly excelled in areas requiring broad knowledge, mathematical skills, and coding abilities. While it wasn't always the absolute best in every category, its overall performance was consistently strong, making it one of the top-performing models in this comparison.

ChatGPT Pricing 

ChatGPT Pricing

Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o Redditors Opinion

Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o Redditors Opinion

As you already know Reddit is filled with the best information on any topic. So in our research process we came across this reddit post that discusses Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o. Let's talk about what people on Reddit are saying about Claude and ChatGPT. It's been a hot topic, and folks have a lot to say!

Team Claude

Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o

Lots of Reddit users are really loving Claude. One user, Match_MC, didn't mince words - they said Claude is way better, no contest! Another long-time AI user, ry8, thinks Claude is much better for writing and coding. They've been using AI since 2016, so they know their stuff!

Some people are so impressed with Claude that they've stopped using ChatGPT altogether. Elitasson, for example, hasn't touched ChatGPT since trying out Claude. They really like how Claude handles code and how quick it is.

Team ChatGPT

Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o

Now, ChatGPT still has its fans. Kisk22 prefers how ChatGPT looks and works, especially for long chats. They think Claude's website can be a bit slow sometimes. Another user, Nerdruins, switched back to ChatGPT because Claude limits how many images you can upload and how many messages you can send.

Coding Showdown

Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o

When it comes to coding, Claude seems to be the crowd favorite. Chapungu says Claude's code usually works right away, while HighPurrFormer had great luck using Claude for Python. It was so good that fets-12345c even cancelled their OpenAI subscription to use Claude instead!

Writing and School Stuff

Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o

For writing and academic work, Claude is getting a lot of praise too. Joe__H said talking to Claude is like chatting with a Ph.D. student, while ChatGPT feels more like talking to a college student. Professional_Gur2469 found Claude better at writing science papers, and noxel simply said Claude writes much better.

How They Look and Work

Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o
Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o

People have different opinions on how Claude and ChatGPT look and work. Elitasson likes how Claude is set up, especially its Projects feature. But kisk22 thinks ChatGPT looks nicer. West-Code4642 believes Claude's recent changes make it better than ChatGPT.

Conversation Quality and Context

Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o

Several users noticed that Claude is better at remembering what you've been talking about. Iamthewhatt says Claude listens better to feedback and doesn't forget things as easily. Mcsoggy found Claude's answers more detailed and helpful for organizing ideas.

Special Jobs

Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o
Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o

For specific tasks, it really depends. Samelaaaa, who works with a programming language called Scala, thinks Claude is much better. Petraja tried both for translating Japanese and found that Claude was better at catching small details, but ChatGPT made the English sound more natural.

So, what's the verdict? It looks like more people are leaning towards Claude, especially for coding and writing. But ChatGPT still has its strong points. Many people use both, switching between them depending on what they need to do. It's like having two helpful friends - each one is better at different things!

Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o: Which is Better 

Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT 4o: Which is Better

Now that we know everything about Claude 3.5 Sonnet and GPT-4o, it's evident that each has unique strengths, making them suitable for different applications. Let's answer the burning question: Claude 3.5 Sonnet vs GPT-4o, which is better.

For Everyday Use:

Claude 3.5 Sonnet excels in user-friendliness, offering a smoother and more intuitive experience. Users appreciate its ability to maintain consistent conversation context and provide quick responses, making it a reliable choice for daily interactions. 

  • Faster response times

  • More consistent memory of conversation context

  • A cleaner, more intuitive interface

In contrast, GPT-4o stands out for its multimodal capabilities. It integrates text, image, and audio inputs seamlessly, providing a versatile platform for more interactive and dynamic tasks.

  • Seamless integration of text, image, and audio inputs

  • Human-like voice interactions

  • Rapid audio responses (averaging 320ms)

Coding and Technical Tasks:

For coding, Claude 3.5 Sonnet often impresses developers with practical solutions and clarity in explaining complex programming concepts. It tends to deliver functional code on the first try, making it a dependable assistant for technical work. 

  • Code that often works on the first try

  • Clear explanations of complex programming concepts

  • Strong performance across various programming languages

GPT-4o also performs well in coding, particularly excelling in standardized programming tasks. Its top scores on formal coding tests indicate a strong understanding of traditional coding problems.

Writing and Academic Work:

In writing and academic tasks, Claude 3.5 Sonnet is often preferred due to its ability to produce detailed and nuanced responses. It shows a deep understanding of complex academic concepts and excels in organizing and structuring content. 

  • More detailed and nuanced responses

  • Better understanding of complex academic concepts

  • Superior ability to organize and structure ideas

While GPT-4o is also capable, it is often viewed as more suitable for general writing and research, providing a competent but less specialized approach.

Mathematical and Analytical Tasks:

GPT-4o shows a slight advantage in mathematical and analytical tasks, consistently scoring higher in mathematical reasoning tests and complex problem-solving. Claude 3.5 Sonnet, while competent, particularly excels in like 

  • Visual mathematical problems

  • Chart and diagram interpretation

  • Scientific reasoning tasks

The Verdict

Choosing between Claude 3.5 Sonnet and GPT-4o ultimately depends on your specific needs. Claude edges out in writing, coding, and user experience, while GPT-4o takes the lead in mathematical reasoning and multimodal interactions.

Many users find value in using both models, leveraging Claude for in-depth writing, coding, and research tasks, while turning to GPT-4o for quick calculations, voice interactions, and tasks requiring multiple input types.

In the end, both models represent incredible advancements in AI technology. As they continue to evolve, the competition between them will likely drive further innovations, benefiting users across various fields and applications.


1. Is Claude AI free?

Claude AI offers free access to its best model via the chat interface. Users can sign up for a free account during the open beta phase, available as of October 2023. Additionally, a paid option called Claude Pro is available for $20 per month.

2. Is Claude better than ChatGPT 4o?

Claude excels in handling larger documents, with a processing capability of up to 200k tokens (about 150,000 words). In comparison, ChatGPT-4o can manage up to 128k tokens (around 96,000 words). However, ChatGPT is considered superior for analysis and summaries.

3. How much is GPT 4o compared to Claude?

Claude AI offers a Pro subscription at $20 per month. As of now, the specific pricing for GPT-4o's paid version hasn't been detailed, making Claude's Pro version a straightforward choice for those seeking a premium AI experience.