Are you tired of struggling to find the right AI assistant for your needs? With so many options out there like Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is the best fit. Often struggling to make a Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini comparison but not finding the right one.

Each of these AI models has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, making it challenging to determine which one will truly cater to your specific requirements. You might find yourself endlessly researching and comparing features, only to end up more confused than when you started. 

Let's analyze these models and try to identify the one that best suits your needs. Whether you're looking for exceptional language understanding, lightning-fast response times, or seamless integration with other tools, we've got you covered. By the end of this analysis, you can easily decide which model to choose.

Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini At a Glance 









Main Versions

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Claude Opus, Claude  Sonnet, Claude Haiku

GPT-4o, GPT-4o mini, GPT-4 Turbo, GPT-3.5 Turbo

Gemini 1.0 Ultra, 1.5 Pro, 1.5 Flash, 1.0 Nano

Multimodal Capabilities

Text and images

Text, images, audio, Video

Text, Images, Audio, Video, Voice assistant

Top Model

Claude 3.5 Sonnet


Gemini 1.0 Ultra

Speed and Efficiency

Very fast and doesn't repeat the response

Quick, but can sometimes repeat info

Designed for quick responses

Accuracy in Complex Tasks

High, especially Claude's 3.5 sonnet 

Good across a wide range of topics

Excels in real-time information retrieval


Works with multiple platforms

Web and mobile app access

Integrates with Google services

Customization Options

Artifacts' and 'Projects' for teamwork

Custom GPTs creation

Google Workspace integration


- MMLU: 88.7% 

- GPQA: 59.4%

- MATH: 71.1% 

- MMLU: 88.7% 

- GPQA: 53.6% 

- MATH: 76.6% 

- MMLU: 85.9% 

- GPQA: —

- MATH: 67.7%

User Interface

Simple, text-based

User-friendly chat interface

Clean, Google-style interface

Unique Strengths

Ethical AI, deep text analysis

Versatile, creative tasks

Google ecosystem integration, real-time search

What are Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made huge leaps in recent years. Three major players in this field are Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini, and these are making waves in the AI industry.



Claude is an AI assistant created by Anthropic. It's part of the Claude 3 family, which includes several versions:

  1. Claude 3.5 Sonnet: The smartest version, great at understanding language, answering questions, and solving problems.

  2. Claude 3 Opus: Very powerful, designed for complex tasks that need deep thinking.

  3. Claude 3 Sonnet: Balances speed and intelligence, good for everyday use.

  4. Claude 3 Haiku: The fastest version, perfect for quick tasks.

Claude can understand images, speak multiple languages, and even create visual content like charts and graphs. It uses advanced AI techniques to learn from just a few examples and can adapt to new information during a conversation.


Claude Pricing



ChatGPT made by OpenAI, uses a technology called GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), and it is a multimodal LLM model that can understand images, audio, text, and create human-like text. It became very popular in late 2022. ChatGPT comes in several versions:

  1. GPT-4o: The top model, best for complex tasks that involve many steps.

  2. GPT-4o mini: A smaller, faster version that's cheaper to use.

  3. GPT-4 Turbo and GPT-4: Earlier versions that are still very smart.

  4. GPT-3.5 Turbo: A quick and budget-friendly option for simpler tasks.

ChatGPT can do many things like write emails, summarise texts, translate languages, and create content. It can also understand voice commands and images, making it very flexible. ChatGPT can search the internet for up-to-date information and even create images using a tool called DALL-E.

ChatGPT Pricing 

ChatGPT Pricing



Gemini is Google's AI Assistant and it is also a Multimodal LLM model that can work with text, images, audio, and code. It started as the brain behind Google's Bard chatbot but has grown into a full AI assistant and renamed now known as Gemini and it has different versions too.

  1. Gemini 1.0 Ultra: The biggest version, great for very complex tasks. It scored 90% on a tough test called MMLU.

  2. Gemini 1.5 Pro: Can handle a huge amount of information at once - up to 2 million "tokens" (pieces of text).

  3. Gemini 1.5 Flash: A lighter, faster version that's good value for money. It can handle 1 million tokens.

  4. Gemini 1.0 Nano: Made to work on mobile devices, even without the internet.

Gemini is good at searching the internet and works with Google apps like Gmail and Docs. It can understand over 40 languages and analyse images for free. Gemini is designed to provide quick answers and search the web, making it great for real-time chats and quick fact-checking or web searches.

Gemini Pricing

Gemini Pricing

Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini Key Features Comparison 

Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini Key Features Comparison

Now we know what these LLM models are and their models. Let's compare three popular AI assistants: Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini. We'll look at how easy they are to use, how well they perform, how you can customize them, and their cost.

User Interface and Experience


  • Simple, text-based interface

  • Easy to use but might feel basic to some users


  • User-friendly chat interface

  • Many people find it intuitive and enjoyable


  • Clean, Google-style interface

  • Designed for quick and efficient interactions

Accessibility on Different Platforms


  • Available through web browsers

  • No dedicated mobile app yet


  • Web access and mobile app available

  • Works well on various devices


  • Accessible via web and mobile app

  • Integrates smoothly with other Google services

Speed and Accuracy of Responses

  • Claude:

    • Known for fast, concise responses

    • High accuracy, especially in complex tasks

  • ChatGPT:

    • Generally quick, but can sometimes repeat information

    • Good accuracy across a wide range of topics

  • Gemini:

    • Designed for fast responses

    • Excels in real-time information retrieval

Ability to Understand and Generate Natural Language

  • Claude:

    • Strong in understanding context and nuance

    • Excels in tasks requiring deep text analysis

  • ChatGPT:

    • Very good at natural conversations

    • Handles a wide variety of language tasks well

  • Gemini:

    • Proficient in multiple languages (over 40)

    • Good at understanding and generating natural language

Performance Benchmarks

Claude, Gemini and ChatGPT Performance Benchmarks

To better understand how these AI assistants perform, let's look at three important benchmarks:

  1. MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding)

    • Claude 3.5 Sonnet : 88.7%

    • ChatGPT 4o: 88.7%

    • Gemini 1.5 Pro: 85.9%

  2. GPQA (Generalized Planning Question Answering)

    • Claude 3. 5 Sonnet: 59.4%

    • ChatGPT 4o: 53.6%

  3. MATH (Mathematical Problem Solving)

    • Claude 3.5 Sonnet: 71.1%

    • ChatGPT 4o: 76.6%

    • Gemini 1.5 Pro: 67.7%

These benchmarks show that all three AI assistants perform at a high level, with each excelling in different areas:

  • Claude 3. 5 sonnet shows strong performance across all benchmarks, particularly in GPQA, which tests the reasoning ability of the model.

  • ChatGPT -4o demonstrates excellent mathematical problem-solving skills and strong general knowledge.

  • Gemini 1.5 Pro performs well in language understanding and shows competitive results in mathematical tasks.

It's important to note that these benchmarks can change as the AI models are updated, and real-world performance may vary depending on specific tasks and user needs.

Personalisation Options


  • Offers 'Artifacts' for working with complex content

  • 'Projects' feature for team collaboration (in paid versions)


  • Allows creation of custom GPTs for specific tasks

  • Remembers context within conversations


  • Integrates with Google Workspace for personalized experiences

  • Adapts to user preferences over time

Each AI assistant has its strengths. Claude is great for ethical AI and deep analysis. ChatGPT shines in versatility and creative tasks. Gemini excels in Google ecosystem integration and quick information retrieval. The best choice depends on your specific needs and how you plan to use the AI.

Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini: Which is Better 

To figure out the winner in the Claude vs. ChatGPT vs. Gemini comparison, we conducted tests on each LLM Model to determine which performs better. Unlike most other comparisons, we took a different approach in our tests. Here are the results.

Test 1: AI Detection 

We want to know if LLM models can detect AI images so we uploaded an AI image and asked ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini. Both Claude and Gemini weren’t able to detect the AI image. Claude specified it is not an AI image, whereas Gemini gave a neutral answer. It gave reasons why the image could be AI-generated and also some reasons for it to be human-created. But ChatGPT was able to detect the AI image and specified why it is not an AI image too.


Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini


Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini


Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini

Test 2: Data Analysis 

We want to know how far LLM models can go in data analysis, so we uploaded a 30-page PDF to all three LLM models and asked about a certain topic on a specific page. In this test, we couldn't test Claude because Claude doesn't scan documents directly; it copies data from the documents in text format and from that, it analyzes the content. Also, for some reason, Claude doesn't accept certain PDFs; even if we upload the document, it will be empty.

Coming to Gemini, we used its workspace plugin to analyze the PDF, and it wasn't able to find the actual page. Whereas, ChatGPT was close; even though it is not the right page number, it was able to find similar page content. So in the Data Analysis, ChatGPT gets a point.


Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini


Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini

Test 3: Coding

As a final test, we asked LLM Models to create a basic code where we prompted them to create a button that moves opposite to the mouse cursor. All the LLM models performed well in this test. However, when it comes to complex coding, Calude wins by a huge margin. We previously tested Calude vs ChatGPT comparison and asked both the models to create a chess game, and Calude was able to do coding much better than ChatGPT.


Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini
Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini


Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini
Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini


Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini
Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini

Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini: Redditor's Opinion 

Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini: Redditor's Opinion

When it comes to AI tools, Reddit is a goldmine of user insights and firsthand experiences. In the ongoing debate of Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini, Redditors have shared their detailed and varied perspectives on what makes each tool unique. 

Whether it's coding, creative writing, or handling complex queries, users have weighed in on the preferences, strengths, and weaknesses of these powerful AI assistants. Let's dive into the community's take on how these tools stack up against each other.

Team Claude

Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini
Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini

Lots of Reddit users are really loving Claude. One user, felichen4, didn't mince words - they said Claude is very good, to be honest. Another long-time AI user, gerdes88, finds paying for Claude one of the best decisions they've made lately.

Some people are so impressed with Claude that they prefer it over ChatGPT. For example, twotwoarm tested all major AIs for a client project and found Claude the best, especially in sounding 'human' during interviews.

Team ChatGPT

Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini

Now, ChatGPT still has its fans. Roth_Skyfire disagrees with the notion that Claude is always better, especially for coding. They found instances where ChatGPT managed to fix an issue while Claude couldn't, even with the same prompts. Similarly, Low_Jelly_7126 shared an experience where ChatGPT fixed a code issue with just a few lines, which Claude struggled with.

Team Gemini

Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini
Claude vs ChatGPT vs Gemini

Gemini, while newer to the scene, is gaining attention for its unique features and capabilities. Netsuko highlighted Gemini's impressive context window and its ability to handle multi-turn conversations smoothly. Arczironator mentioned that Gemini's 1.5 Pro is super good. 

Some users prefer Gemini for its natural language understanding and generation. Pointing out that Gemini often provides more contextually relevant answers, especially in creative writing and storytelling.

What's the verdict? It looks like more people are leaning towards Claude, especially for coding and writing. But ChatGPT still has its strong points. Many people use both, switching between them depending on what they need to do. Gemini is carving out its niche with strong capabilities in creative writing and versatile applications. 

User Reviews and Feedback

To know the users' point of view on these LLM models, we have searched the reviews on Trustpilot, known for authentic reviews of different tools. You can check out the total reviews for each LLM model and some of the recent negative comments the tools received on the platform. Based on that, you can choose between Claude, ChatGPT, or Gemini.


Claude Review Rating

Some users have expressed dissatisfaction with the product, citing issues such as a lack of originality in the interface, which they describe as a less intuitive version of ChatGPT. Additionally, the limited number of free messages and perceived overhype have disappointed some users. 

Concerns have also been raised about customer support, with one user reporting no response from a live chat support team even after seven days. These issues have led to negative reviews, with ratings as low as one or two stars from about 69% of users

Claude Reviews


ChatGPT Review Ratings

Users have reported issues with ChatGPT not working despite having paid. They mentioned that the authentication token is expired, causing problems all day. Another user, rated the service 1 out of 5 stars, calling it a scam. He claimed that after purchasing a Plus account, he could only send 10 texts per day, and those were very basic without images. He also mentioned that no one was responding to his complaints, calling it OpenAI a theft company.

ChatGPT Reviews


Gemini Review Ratings

One user mentioned that the Gemini performs poorly in coding, only handling basic tasks like university-level questions and not meeting the standards of a Google product. Another user complained that the AI is too limited, refusing to discuss certain topics like gambling and giving incorrect answers to basic math questions. They also found the Gemini suggestions, like naming children, to be preachy and unhelpful. These experiences reflect dissatisfaction with the tool's limitations. Overall Gemini got 50% of 1 star rating and no 5 star rating. 

Gemini reviews


Now we know all about Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini, it's clear that all three AI assistants have their unique strengths and cater to different user needs. While each model excels in specific areas, the overall performance and capabilities make Claude and ChatGPT the top performers.

  • Claude excels in deep text analysis, ethical AI, and complex task handling.

  • ChatGPT shines in versatility, creative problem-solving, and integration with the GPT Store.

Gemini, while not matching the top-tier performance, offers seamless integration with Google Workspace, making it a great choice for users heavily invested in the Google ecosystem.

The choice between Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini comes down to the user's specific needs and priorities. For those seeking advanced writing, coding, and analytical capabilities, Claude is the standout option. For users who value versatility, creativity, and custom GPT integration, ChatGPT is the clear winner. And for individuals heavily reliant on Google services, Gemini is a good alternative. 


1. Which is better, Claude, ChatGPT, or Gemini?

Choosing between Claude, ChatGPT, or Gemini depends on your needs. Claude excels in deep text analysis, ChatGPT is versatile with creative tasks, and Gemini integrates seamlessly with Google services. Evaluate based on specific features and benchmarks to find your best fit.

2. Is Claude better than ChatGPT?

Claude is better than ChatGPT in certain aspects like ethical AI and handling complex tasks. However, ChatGPT stands out in versatility and creative applications. The choice depends on your specific requirements and the context in which you plan to use the AI assistant.

3. Is ChatGPT 100% accurate?

ChatGPT is not 100% accurate. While it provides highly reliable responses and excels in a wide range of tasks, its answers are based on patterns and training data, which can sometimes lead to errors or inaccuracies. Always verify critical information from authoritative sources.